Lisbon Recycling

A free Android app for Lisbon, Connecticut residents. It was mainly created to keep track of which week is your recycling week, but also includes the town’s quarterly newsletter. It implements Google Maps API.

feature graphic for the Google Play store

ssh key generation

// copy contents from C:\Users\<<<me>>>\.ssh\
// paste contents to:<<<me>>>/ssh-keys/

ssh key generation to a specific directory

ssh-keygen -f C:\somepath\filename

Install GPIO Python library

//Install pip:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

// Install necessary libraries

//Option1: From text file
python3 -m pip install -r pip-commands.txt

// file contents

python3 -m pip install setuptools
python3 -m pip install RPi.GPIO
python3 -m pip install gpiozero
python3 -m pip install RPIO
python3 -m pip install pigpio

Jeep Computer

Different prototypes of a relay controller for Jeep accessories.

This first iteration uses a 2-line LCD display.
Testing the new 4-line LCD Display
The newest prototype with 4 light-up buttons attached to each relay. It’s working, but the Arduino does not have enough power to keep 4 relays charged at once. I need to amplify the signal from the Arduino I/O ports.
A Raspberry Pi prototype that uses Python tkinter for a touch-screen UI. I don’t have any pictures of the UI, but it’s basically a full-screen 2×2 grid, each panel in the grid is a different relay switch.