Convert a C# model into a list of SqlParameters

Assumes properties are decorated with [Column("column_name")] attributes.

public static List<SqlParameter> ToSqlParameters<T>(this T obj)
  var result = new List<SqlParameter>();
  var properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties();
  properties.ToList().ForEach(propertyInfo => 
    var column = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute<ColumnAttribute>();
    var notMapped = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute<NotMappedAttribute>();

    // see previous post for this method "IsNullOrDefault"
    if (column != null && notMapped = null && !propertyInfo.IsNullOrDefault(obj)) 
      var fieldValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, default);
      var sqlParam = new SqlParameter($"@{column.Name}", fieldValue);


  return result;