list disk
select disk <the disk number>
Check when Active Directory password expires
net user /domain <username> | findstr /i expires
Show environmental PATH variable in Windows cmd / terminal
echo %PATH:;=&echo.%
Display total lines of code in a git branch
git diff 5cec833a 4ef01d13 --stat
// where the hex are commit id's to differentiate.
Reset IIS
iisreset /noforce
compare 2 files with Visual Studio
// open cmd
<<<path to Visual Studio\Common7\IDE>>>devenv /diff file1 file2
Or just create a batch file. Example:
@echo off
echo Drag and drop the first file onto this window. Then press [ENTER]
set /p file1=
echo Drag and drop the second file onto this window. Then press [ENTER]
set /p file2=
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /diff %file1% %file2%